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How to Find Your Beauty Dream Team for Your Wedding

Your wedding day is the one day above any other that your hair and makeup has to be perfect! No other day in your life really has all the attention on YOU. Photographers, attendants and guests will be focused on you, the bride and you will be gazed upon by friends, family and strangers alike. Are you nervous yet? Don’t worry…it’s time to assemble your Beauty Dream Team. I’m going to tell you how and what to look for and watch out for so you can find the best there is.

1) When hiring a hair stylist and make up artist you have to follow your natural instincts.

The hair or make-up trial is where the first impression is made. On first meeting, ask yourself how you feel about this person. Are you comfortable enough with their demeanor to have them spend part of your wedding day with you? Many times, you feel it in the first five minutes. You have to click. Even if they do great hair or makeup, if you are not comfortable in their presence or if you don’t feel you can trust them…don’t use them.

2) Check out his or her style- Is he or she dressed nicely; clean clothes and in good repair, nails and hair clean and manicured. If they’re women, do you like their makeup? Is it nicely applied even if it’s very light or is it vastly overdone at inappropriate times? Does she smell like last night’s party wreaking of smoke and liquor? For example, when I’m doing an early morning wedding at a start time of 5AM, the last thing I want to do is apply a full face of makeup on myself. I do very little, usually in the car right before I start. I want to look nice and kept up, but it’s not about me! It’s about what I can do for you, my bride. That’s what I want you to find for your wedding day…someone with a high degree of caring for what’s right for you.

3)During the initial trial, is the conversation centered around you; what you want and don’t want for your wedding look, your wedding plans, your life, YOU! Or are they entertaining you with every detail about their life? It’s different if YOU ask THEM specific questions. But if they are giving you their latest exploits about their date last night, their sex life, their divorce in the works, the fight they had with this or that one, even if you LOVE the work they do on you…think twice about hiring them. Their life may be filled with high drama that may bring you to the big problem I want you to avoid.

4) If you really like the artist’s work and you want to hire them, be sure they write down the exact time, location, your phone numbers and how many people they will need to do. I say write down because I’ve heard too many stories of that information being deleted in computers. Better yet, have them send you an agreement and give them a deposit. By doing so, it shows they take you seriously and WILL ACTUALLY SHOW UP TO DO YOUR WEDDING. Yes, it happens more frequently than you can imagine. Unfortunately those urban legends are true. I can’t tell you how many calls I’ve received from panic stricken brides where their hair or makeup artist has either not shown up or canceled a few days before with incredible excuses. Call them and speak to them a few days before your wedding to go over any last minute details and instructions.

What I want the most for you to look for when getting you’re beauty team together, besides doing hair and makeup that you love and is perfect, be aware of the personality.

Find someone:

A)You like at first impression.

B)Has a style you admire.

C)Is clean about themselves and their beauty tools.

D) Is prepared with everything they need for the trial.

E) Is forthcoming about showing photos of their work.

F) Gives you pricing in writing and if extra charges may apply it is noted.

G) Has a reputation of reliability.

H) Who is NOT a DIVA that’s it’s their way or no way

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